“People Are People” cue a song
It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to forget that a business is its people!
In my career I have experienced on occasions, where large organisations have undertaken a redundancy situation, allowed the process to take over and the individual people be forgotten. However, recently working with a client in a small business, unfortunately the same scenario happened.
The company had its own agenda and time frame that it was going to stick to, no matter what! My client just happened to be caught up in the process they had to deliver. No thought was given to the fact that this was “new news” for my client or that my client was human and had emotions and feelings relating to his redundancy situation.
The Company couldn’t understand how my client “couldn’t see this had to be completed quickly”. The company may have been considering and planning this change for a significant amount of time. However, for my client and anyone else who finds themselves in this situation, hearing for the first time “that their role will no longer exist in the new structure”, can be a devastating experience which triggers a whole array of different emotions and feelings. For example shock, denial, anger, sadness, guilt, anxiety, fear and relief, and maybe even excitement.
These changes can be a rollercoaster for individuals. What’s important in these situations and every interaction where people are involved is to treat people as “humans” and how you would want to be treated yourself.
Change is a process (see” Kubler-Ross Change Curve”). Employees are comfortable with and prefer the current state. Transitioning through change can create a variety of emotions and feelings as stated above. In most cases, the future state is unknown or not well understood. In reality, each impacted employee has his or her own current and future state and not everyone arrives at the future state at the same time. Some employees may never make the transition.
You could achieve and do something you have always wanted to do, secure a role with an organisation whose values are truly aligned to your own, and/or secure a role/career that sets you on your path to your long-terms goals, to name just a few opportunities.
Aspire to be all you can be. Stay positive and be easy on yourself.
If you would like more information on career transition coaching, please email me
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