Be the best you can!
Last Wednesday I had the privilege of delivering a motivational talk to a whole school assembly at a middle school in Bedford as part of the “CIPD’s Inspiring the Future” programme. The particular school as it transpired is about to go through a lot of change as a result of joining another school to create and move to a completely new school. I chose to talk about being the best you can be and presenting your “best self”.
Everyone has a talent(s) and strengths and people in work have things about their jobs they like and things they don’t like just as the children have subjects that they like and subjects that you don’t like!
What makes you like what you like? Do you recognise your strengths and the strengths of others?
Do you even consider this when you talk to your friends, colleagues, teachers, members of your family?
Understanding ourselves is this important. If we understand ourselves better we can then understand others better and build even greater relationships with our friends, colleagues, people we meet. Have you ever looked at a picture and a friend or colleague has looked at the same picture, yet you both see different things?
What we see is based on what we individually know and believe and what we’ve individually experienced in the past. It is our own unique reality. Because what you see is what you’ve learnt, you and your friend or your colleague at work can both see different things and both be right!
What Do You See In The Picture Above?
What you personally see is also linked to your different strengths and challenges. By asking questions, you can learn more and can better understand others and what they may see in a picture that you can’t see and vice versa.
What you experience and learn and the characteristics you associate with these experiences form a memory for you. Think about when you meet somebody for the first time, how much do you remember and what will it be based on?
It is therefore important to recognise and appreciate your uniqueness and differences and those of others.
Do you recognise those talents and strengths of your friends/colleagues? Do you use them when you are working together?
Realise and value differences between one another and build relationships.
Aspire to be the best you can be and be your best self! And
Do tell me what you see in the picture above!
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