
Career Transition Coaching

Sometimes the services I offer can be juxtaposed. If I work with a company advising them on recruitment and selection, I would always advise them to create an application form and not to recruit from just a CV (see my blog: Who would you be, Batman or Robin?)

However, working with clients from a career transition perspective I advise them to have an up-to-date CV and LinkedIn profile.  Each does slightly different things.

Career Transition Coaching

Your CV is your marketing and sales brochure; your chance to demonstrate how you have added value in your previous roles and how you could add value to a future organisation. It is your opportunity, more importantly, to "wow" the person reading your CV into thinking "I want to meet this person and know more!".

Your LinkedIn profile supports you to network professionally. Think about who your audience is and how you want to present yourself. What is your brand?

If you are proactive and keep both of these mediums up to date, it becomes so much easier to add and tweak and keep things fresh. 

We are almost half way through the year now. Take the time to reflect on your past 6 months and what you've accomplished - add it to your CV now so it is easier to remember.

I always feel your LinkedIn profile is a "work in progress" as you can be updating and adding to it as you go along. However, when making small changes please ensure you are not updating your network each time, and have your settings for public turned off!

Realise that even what you consider to be "just doing your job" means that, if you didn't, there would be an impact on your department and the company.

Aspire to keep on top of your CV; it makes your life so much easier.

Do, if you haven't taken a look at your CV and LinkedIn profile for a while, review and update them.


Blog Posts

  • “If you do what you’ve always done; you’ll get what you’ve always got”
    This old adage is so true whether applied to recruitment methods, meetings or retaining talent to name but a few areas.

  • One of the positives of the pandemic is that there is no longer the monopoly on leadership due to position.
  • I have previously written about "Belonging - what does this mean to you?" ( I want to now build on this and consider it from a team's perspective and what it means if you are a manager leading a team currently.
  • Earlier this year, I completed my Mental Health First Aider Training (MHFA) England, something I had wanted to do for a little while.
  • Recently, I was delivering the "First 90 Days in your New Role" for LHH. This is a workshop which generates great discussion around helping people who are still interviewing to find their next appropriate opportunity and to think about how they would answer this question at interview.
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