
Happy Christmas!!! Cue a Song, and a Great Big Thank You!

I'm writing this Christmas article to show my appreciation and gratitude for all the support from friends, colleagues, partners and clients who I've had the pleasure of meeting and working with this year, plus all the clients I've worked with in the past and I'm sure will work with again in the future.

I also decided, since I love a good song, to see how many I could include in the text. You can even click on the titles and listen to each one - enjoy the earworms!
One of my very favourite Christmas songs, by the wonderful John Lennon.

Life is already 100 MPH, and then Christmas kicks in and we think "let’s put ourselves even more Under Pressure" (or is that just me?!) Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself (I need to take my own advice!). Therefore I thought I would share those reminders to myself with you all so that you can hold me to account.

Remember; it's sometimes the small gestures that have the biggest impact. Just like in business, saying Thank You - two small words - can go a very long way and make a massive difference to the person receiving them.

Be present over the Christmas period, and ensure you are actively Listening to those around you. For at least the days that are officially holidays, make sure they really are a Holiday. Take time to Appreciate those around you; those family and friends who love you for who you really are.

Realise what you have and who you really are;

Aspire to commit to do more of what makes you Smile

Do Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas and a wonderful New Year's Day! (OK, that one was pushing it a bit...).

Best wishes, and thank you all again!


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