
Are You Batman Or Robin?

Unfortunately all too often, inappropriate questions like the above, and there are lots, are asked at interviews.

This is just one element of the whole recruitment process, where a large amount of subjectivity and bias, both conscious and unconscious is the basis on which decisions are made! How very scary.

Not only can that wrong hire be extremely costly in many ways to the business, it could also create a potential risk and expose yourself and the business.

Quite often working with clients from an HR Consultancy Services basis leads to creating bespoke training for them. 

For example Recruitment and Interviewing.  It can soon become apparent that recruitment practice and processes are no longer fit for purpose.

Would you know the answers to the following quiz?

1.    When does the recruitment process begin?
2.    What checks should you do as a responsible employer?
3.    What are some of the fines if you fail to carry these out?
4.    Which of the following questions would you include in your interview question bank?
a.    Do you prefer cats or dogs?
b.    Describe what you believe to be your key skills and how they would add value to the business.
c.    In your current role, describe a process or way of working that you have personally changed? What was this process?  
       What exactly did you change and what was the reason for doing this?
5.    What legislation could impact a recruitment and selection process?
6.    What law covers discrimination of protected characteristics?
7.    Name 3 different types of bias.
8.    Describe the 3 biases you have chosen.
9.    How would you assess a person’s CV?
10.  If a candidate asked for feedback following their interview what would you do?
11.  When should you ask someone to complete an equal opportunity monitoring form and health questionnaire?
12.  Describe the recruitment and assessment process you would choose for a role you have currently to recruit for in your area of the business.

Realise when you may need to review your current recruitment and interview process;
Aspire to find out the answers to this quiz if you couldn't automatically answer them all; and
Do make sure whoever interviews for your business is properly trained!


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